Course statistics

Definitions of the fields collected in course statistics.

Field Description
id Unique ID for this statistic
timestamp When this statistic was collected
course[id] Canvas course ID
course[name] Human-readable course name, as listed in Canvas
course[account_id] The account_id associated with this course (i.e. the department) for departmental aggregation of data.
account[name] Human-readable department name
teacher[id]s A serialized array of Canvas user IDs for the teacher(s) of the course.
teacher[sortable_name]s Serialized list of human-readable teacher names
assignments_due_count The overall number of assignments with due dates prior to the timestamp, including both graded and ungraded assignments and zero-point assignments.
dateless_assignment_count Assignments that lack due dates.
average_assignment_lead_time The average amount of time, in days, between when the assignment was created and when it is due.
created_after_due_count The number of assignments that were entered into Canvas after their due date (i.e. retroactively)
created_modified_histogram A histogram showing when assignments have been created an edited throughout the day.
gradeable_assignment_count The number of gradeable, non-zero-point, assignments posted in this course with due dates prior to this statistic collection timestamp
graded_assignment_count The number of graded, non-zero-point assignments with due dates prior to the timstamp of this statistic for which at least one submission has been graded
oldest_ungraded_assignment_due_date Due date of the oldest graded, non-zero-point assignment due prior to the timestamp of this statistic for which no submissions have grades entered.
oldest_ungraded_assignment_url URL of the oldest ungraded assignment
oldest_ungraded_assignment_name Human-readable name of the oldest ungraded assignment
average_grading_turn_around Of those assignments that were due prior to the timestamp of this statistic for which at least one submission has been graded, what is the average turn-around time (in days) for those submission grades?
zero_point_assignment_count Many zero-point assignments suggest that the teacher is not using the “not graded” option
average_submissions_graded Of assignments due prior to this statistic timestamp, for which at least one submission has been graded, what percentage of the overall submissions for each assignment have been graded?
gradebook_url URL of the course gradebook
student_count The number of student enrollments in this course. (Not yet filtering out the Test Student enrollments.)
analytics_page URL of the course grading analytics page